History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Wisconsin - People - Bios

Jeffrey P. Clark



April 20, 1957
October 22, 1992
Primary Involvements:

Bowler, H.I.T. Hall of Fame
AIDS Activist

Primary Location:

Milwaukee, WI



Jeffrey P. Clark was born on April 20, 1957 in Shawano, Wisconsin. He attended grade school and Shawano High School, where he graduated in 1975 with a music specialty in the tenor saxophone and soprano clarinet.

Jeff entered the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire with a class of 1974 Fine Arts Scholarship. He would later move to Green Bay, Wisconsin for approximately two years.

Around 1981, Jeff moved to Milwaukee. His first years here were spent making friends and dabbling in various entertaining or entertainment ventures. He also discovered that Milwaukee had entertainment centers, commonly known as bars, where he would successfully work until 1989. Jeff also discovered bowling alleys, where Jeff would make many friends and become quite involved.

In 1987, Jeff became involved with the Mil-Ma-AIDS group, which is a fundraiser for the AIDS projects in Milwaukee and Madison. He was an original committee member on the Milwaukee committee and remained involved through all the tournaments, including that of 1991 held in Madison.

He also became involved with the Holiday Invitational Tournament in 1987 when he attended a meeting with Ken Kurtz. He became actively involved: 1987 as Banquet Chair; 1988 as Assistant Director; 1989 as Scheduling Chair; 1990 as Scratch Division; and 1991 as All Around Volunteer.

As bowling was an obvious love. it is no surprise that he was active in many local leagues, where he served as League President of the Monday Nite Irregulars in 1988.

To revive his love of Journalism, he became the Assistant Editor of the IGBO Newsletter, published for the many bowling tournaments held around the country. He especially was fond of the St. Louis, Cleveland, and Louisville tournaments, where he made many new friends and enjoyed many good times.

Finally, Jeff became the recipient of the H.I.T. Hall of Fame during the tournament at the end of December 1992. This award is presented by the Holiday Invitational Tournament for a person who signifies community involvement.

Jeff later made career changes in 1990 and pursued a career at MGM Investment Corporation, but he continued to remain active in community service and volunteered freely. Jeff remained at MGIC until he went on disability in 1991 due to illness.

The last year of Jeff's life was not an easy one. Soon after going on disability. the Clark family suffered the loss of Andrew Clark, Jeff's dad. On October 22, 1992 Jeff passed on to a better life.

'In Memoriam'
(In Step vol. 9-22, Nov. 1992)


Credits: web site concept by Don Schwamb;
Last updated: March-2024.

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